Loofah Body Scrubber – For Shower or the bath
The ideal scrubber for your skin. Ensure you are not using a loofah too hard on the skin.
Size: 16cm x 11cm
Natural Loofah
Loofah shower pad gently exfoliates your skin – leaving clean smooth skin
The coarse surface of the loofah acts as an exfoliator, helping to remove the dead skin.
As a result, your skin looks cleaner, fresher, smoother and healthier.
Loofah body scrubber for shower scrubs is a sponge-like texture, absorbent and easy to use with liquid soap or block soap.
They can provide excellent exfoliation, especially in the winter months when your skin is dry and flaky.
Loofahs can enhance circulation and encourage pores to expel oil and other impurities.
Renew your loofah regularly. Make sure you clean your loofah. A good clean with an anti-bacterial wash is best.
Like most sponges or washers in the shower, bacteria can be trapped. Good housekeeping is essential.
Your loofah shower scrub should be replaced every 6-8 weeks. Try not to have them any longer.
DO NOT use a loofah on your face.
What is the best way to clean your loofah?
It’s important to wash the loofah, wring it and air-dry it after use. This practice prevents bacterial growth.
Here\’s how:
- Thoroughly wash with hot soapy water then rinse well.
- Squeeze it to remove excess water and soapy residue.
- Wring the water out and then let it air-dry from the string loop.
- Store it in a dry place
Many customers wash their loofah with their laundry in the washing machine and this is perfectly fine too.